Solid-Concentrates (Drumless Treatment)
ServeTech's technically advanced chemical products are manufactured in a unique, highly concentrated solid form and utilize proven, state-of-the-art formulations. ServeTech' s concentrates offer a number of significant operational, safety & environmental benefits over our comparable liquid chemical products. ServeTech's concentrates are manufactured, packaged, & shipped in one-gallon plastic bottles, which are then reconstituted, on-site, in small, wall-mounted mixing systems and injected into your cooling or boiler systems, (using existing chemical pumps & controllers).
Some of the key benefits of ServeTech's solid chemicals are:
- Highly Concentrated 97% - 100% Active Ingredients
- Eliminate the inconvenience, safety and liability issues associated with handling heavy drums, liquids & hazardous chemicals
- Eliminate employee chemical exposure, liquid pouring & splash hazards
- Eliminate hazardous chemical leaks & spills
- Eliminate the need for chemical drums, drum storage, disposal & landfill issues
- Save space or free-up space for other uses
- Minimize waste & improve environmental performance
- Reduce warehousing, handling & transportation costs of treatment chemicals
- Compatible with existing pumps, controllers & test kits
- Guaranteed quality & performance

Concentrate (Paste Form)

Single Product Mixing System

1-Gallon Plastic Bottles

Single Product System-Loaded

Stick-Form (Bypass Feeder)

Product Family
Green, Environmentally-Responsible Products
ServeTech's solid-concentrates use environmentally-responsible components & generate no waste by-products. Even the shipping cases & 1 gallon plastic bottles are recyclable. ServeTech's solid-concentrates may help your Sustainability Initiatives or assist in qualifying your building qualify for LEEDS points.
Safety & Health, Risk & Liability
Eliminate employee chemical exposure, on-site storage, spills as well as drum-handling injuries. You may even reduce worker's compensation costs/experience ratings. ServeTech's solid-concentrates products also eliminate triple-rinse and disposal requirements, as well as current cradle-to-grave drum liability.
Economic Concerns and Cost Savings
ServeTech's solid-concentrates maximize energy efficiencies, control mineral scale & bio-fouling, reduce equipment corrosion, lower shipping costs (75%), reduce in-plant transit & handling costs, and extend equipment life.
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
ServeTech's solid-concentrates use less sodium hydroxide in the production & on-site use of the product. Combined with using less shipping & manufacturing fuel, that all translates into removing the equivalent of removing 31,000 autos from the highways, annually, (vs. liquid treatment).
Recycle Empties OR Throw Them in the Trash
Solid-Concentrated Treatment Products Available
Cooling Systems (Open & Closed)
Boiler Systems
Process Water
- Scale & Corrosion Inhibitors
- Oxidizing Biocides
- Non-Oxidizing Biocides
- Deposit Inhibitors
- Dispersants
- Microbiological Control
- Chlorine Alternatives
- White Rust Preventatives
- Sludge Conditioning
- Steam-Line Treatments
- Alkalinity Boosters
- Steam line treatments
- Oxygen Scavengers
- Dispersants
- Condensate Inhibitors
- Cleaners/Descalers
- Scale Inhibitors
- Corrosion Inhibitors
- Microbiocides
- Cleaners
- Dispersants
- Slimicides
Many products available in 1 gallon plastic bottles (4/case) and/or STICK-form (water soluble bag) 24/case
The material provided in this bulletin is informational in nature and is not intended to be instructions for a particular location or installation. There is no guarantee, warranty or other assurance of fitness of purpose or operational performance or results either express or implied. The user assumes all risk in following the information provided. Always read and follow product safety and performance instructions on product labels, Material Data Safety Sheets and those provided specifically for your requirements by your ServeTech representative.
ServeTech Water Solutions, Inc. - Wheaton, IL - - - 630-784-9050