Monitoring: Remote, Corrosion, Test Kits, etc.
ServeTech offers a variety of monitoring technologies and capabilities in support of its treatment programs. These technologies will provide both the treatment rep and customer real-time and/or spot-testing of treatment program levels and performance, as a cross-check to machine efficiencies, (chiller, boiler, etc.). Many today's sophisticated controllers provide performance feedback and monitoring, as well. ServeTech follows and exceeds the most current ASHRAE, AWT, and CTI guidelines for monitoring, testing and control.
Remote Monitoring
 For large plants or off-site control of water treatment systems, ServeTech partners with key industry manufacturers employing state-of-the-art equipment provide our customers the control and assurance of web-based monitoring. Utilizing the capabilities of the wide web, our systems can continuously monitor and control industrial water systems.
These web-based controllers have proven to be the most innovative and functional product in the water treatment industry. They offer the ability to control and monitor cooling towers, boilers, and process water systems by using a standard web browser from any computer, anywhere in the world. Additionally, most web-based controllers deliver a range of new technological capabilities including; user-friendly programming, multi-user access, email notifications for data-logs, alarms, and system summaries/histories.
Web-Based Controls & Remote Monitoring (Example)
One-Step Connection
View Current Readings
Email Alarm Notifications
Change Settings
Manage Users
History Graphs and Logs
Create Custom Reports
Set-up Auto Reporting
128 Bit Encryption Security
Back-up Assured History Storage
No Proprietary Software to Load
DHCP, Static IP, Phone or Cell Modem Connection
Constant Connection Monitoring
Log in From Any Computer with Internet Access
No Downloads to Perform
Summary Reports
A large part of successful water treatment programs is the use of quality feed and control equipment. Without properly installed equipment, it's not possible to properly dispense chemicals designed to protect the system. ServeTech utilizes a full line of water treatment controls, storage, testing, and feed equipment. Water treatment control and feed system design and implementation assistance is readily available.
Corrosion Monitoring
ServeTech provides time-driven corrosion coupon testing with samples of system metals placed into the water stream. Additionally, ServeTech can also monitor real-time corrosion rates utilizing a Coreater, which inserts a probe into the water stream and instantly analyzes system corrosion rates. See your ServeTech rep for details.
Test Kits & Digital Meters
ServeTech offers a full range of test kits and replacement reagents which can monitor; mineral-content, treatment-chemical levels and more. Additionally, on-site biological testing is also available. See your ServeTech rep for recommendations on testing needs, as well as individual training for same.
Available Testing & Monitoring Capabilities
Aerobic Bacteria Testing
Anaerobic Bacteria Testing
ATP (Luminometer)
Bardac 22 (Low Level) Test
Biocide Efficiency Testing
Biological Test Strips
BOD/COD Analysis
Bromine Strips
Bronopol Test Kit
BT2: Aerobic Dipslides
Chlorine Meter / Tester
Chlorine Residual
Coreater Corrosion Monitoring
Corrosion Coupons & Racks
Denitifying (NO2) Dipslides
Digital Testers (DPD)
Dipslides (Colony Count):
Flow meters, controllers, sensors
Gauges, pressure, temp
Glycol Feed Systems & Testers
Isothiazolinone Test Kit
Legionella Bacteria Testing
Level Controllers/ Detection & Alarms
Light Microscopy
MacConkey Agar Dipslide: Aerobic, coliform
Meters: water, ORP Meters, sensors, controllers
pH Controllers
Portable Deposit & Corrosion Tester
Pressure Controllers, Gauges, Transmitters, Relief valves
Quats/Polyquat/Amine Test
RBC Dipslide: Aerobic, yeast, fungi
Reagents (testing)
Sample Coolers & Sampling Stations
SRB (Sulphate Reducing)
Standards and Solutions
Temperature Controller, Gauges
Test Kits & Cabinets
THPS Test Kit
TTC Dipslide: Aerobic
Water Meters
Web-based Controls & Monitoring
ServeTech Water Solutions, Inc. - Wheaton, IL - www.servetechwater.com - info@servetechwater.com - 630-784-9050