Controls, Meters & Valves
ServeTech utilizes the best controls, meters and valves available in the market-place, (including all major brands). ServeTech utilizes application-specific products based on the operation of your equipment, accuracy and reliability of the treatment equipment, customer input, and our 60+ years of experience in the field.
Controllers: ServeTech utilizes the latest technologies to deliver consistent chemical dosage, ensuring continuous operation of your system and optimized heat transfer efficiencies, (which control or even reduce operating costs). All controllers used by ServeTech are state-of-the-art digital, programmable, multi-functional and provide the ultimate in flexibility, ease-of-use, reliability and ease-of-maintenance. Additionally, web-based remote access options are also available with most controllers. Your ServeTech rep will provide you with application-specific recommendations and options.
Flow Meters: ServeTech utilizes several different flow meters, dependent upon the application, operating conditions, and controls. Several are available with remote-readout signals to tie into a customerÕs control systems. ServeTech only utilizes the most reliable brands, to fit both operating controls as well as environmental conditions.
Solenoids (Bleed-Off/Blow-Down): ServeTech utilizes; diaphragm solenoids, motorized ball valves, air-operated, and magnetically-controlled units. Your ServeTech rep will work with you to select the ones with the best, consistent performance, over time, in conjunction with your operation, conditions and controls.
Valves: ServeTech can supply and utilizes various valves including; back-pressure, check valves, isolation/ball valves, pressure relief valves, etc. Your ServeTech rep will work with you to select the ones with the best, consistent performance, over time, in conjunction with your operation, conditions and controls.
Water Meters: ServeTech utilizes several different water meters, dependent upon the application, operating conditions, and controls. Several are available with remote-readout signals to tie into a customerÕs control systems. ServeTech only utilizes the most reliable brands, to fit both operating controls as well as environmental conditions.
See available Line Card for specific brands and manufacturers
ServeTech Water Solutions, Inc. - Wheaton, IL - www.servetechwater.com - info@servetechwater.com - 630-784-9050